Hall Rental for events ending by midnight, price: $2500
Fees are inclusive of the following
(a) Set up of the hall with chairs & tables - client will decorate
(b) Use of the kitchen facility to warm up food only
(c) Insurance
(d) Security
(e) Cleanup after event
Security Deposit: $300,
*Security Deposit is required to secure the date and is due when the rental agreement is signed. All trash should be placed at the side of the hall, in the provided trash cans or plastic tied bags at conclusion of the event.
Balance is due no later than 30 days, prior to the event.
Any infractions or deviation from the signed contract will result in complete forfeiture of the security deposit and immediate shut-down with no refund possible under these circumstances.
Friendship Hall may not be used for any religious/civil ceremonies, rites or rituals. Failure to comply will result in immediate shut-down of the event.
Reserve your date by contacting John Navolio at before paying your deposit.
Deposito de garantia: $300
*Se requiere el deposito de seguridad para garantizar la fecha deseada y se vence cuando se firme el contrato de alquiler. Toda la basura debe de colocarse al costado de la sala, en los botes de basura provistos o en bolsas de plástico al finalizar el evento.
El saldo vence a más tardar 4 semanas antes del evento.
Cualquier infracción o desviación del contrato firmado dará lugar a la pérdida total del depósito de garantía y al cierre inmediato sin reembolso posible en estas circunstancias.
El salon de la Amistad no puede usarse para ninguna ceremonia religiosa / civil, ritos o rituales. El incumplimiento dará lugar a la cancelacion inmediata del evento.
Realice su reservacion contactando a John Navolio al correo electronico previo a pagar su depósito.