Join us on The Church of Saint Matthias the Apostle Facebook page for a live-stream Mass this Sunday, March 29th, at 11:30 a.m. Father Jack will celebrate the Fifth Sunday of Lent from St. Matthias Church. This will be a first for our parish, so pray that there will be no technical difficulties.
To receive timely news and updates from your pastor, Father Jack Kennealy, simply sign up for the Flocknote app. It’s easy! You can choose to receive email notifications or text messages (or both). To sign up, go to:
Know that the archdiocesan website is being updated regularly with information, in English and Spanish, for you. Information may be found at, which includes a link to find a listing of live stream Masses and prayers
You can access the weekly St. Matthias Church bulletin on the parish website by going to the About Us link. Scroll to the bottom of the menu and click Weekly Bulletin. You can also stay up to date with what is happening at St. Matthias by receiving a weekly email with a link to the current week’s bulletin. Go to to sign up.
There will be no Stations of the Cross on Friday, March 13, 2020 In order to minimize the spread of the corona virus, Archbishop Wilton Gregory has cancelled all public Masses at Archdiocesan parishes beginning Saturday, March 14, until further notice. This means that there will be no weekend or weekday Masses at St. Matthias, until further notice. There will be no Adoration or Confessions on Monday, March 16. Religious education classes, RCIA, Bible Study, Faith Formation meetings, prayer group meetings, and ministry gatherings are also cancelled until further notice. This weekend’s church bulletin may be found on the parish website. We will post notifications on the website as updates become available.