What is a novena? “Nine days of public or private prayer for some special occasion or intention.” Its origin goes back to the nine days that the disciples and Mary spent together in prayer between Ascension Thursday and Pentecost Sunday. Our novena will focus on asking God to bless our living mothers, and to grant eternal rest to our deceased mothers. The novena of Masses for our mothers will be held beginning with the Vigil Mass on May 12th through May 20th. Names of those honored or remembered will be read during the Prayer of the Faithful at each of the Masses during this nine day period. You may pick up your Mother’s Day Novena Cards and remembrance envelopes at the parish office during regular business hours. Cards will also be available in the church vestibule after Masses this weekend and next weekend. A $ 5.00 offering is suggested for each name submitted to the novena.
The Father Albert Hughes Scholarship was established during the 45th anniversary year (2005) of the parish and in honor of our founding pastor, Father Edward Albert Hughes. Funding for this scholarship program is drawn from the annual fiscal year revenue of the “Every Penny Counts” Box in the parish church. Other donations from benefactors may be periodically received as well and these too are placed into this scholarship fund. Read more about the scholarship here. To be considered for this scholarship, each family must have a Financial Aid application on file with TADS. All requirements listed on the application must be satisfied in order for an application to be considered. This fund is only available to students whose families are registered in this parish.